Multivariate Statistical Process Control (MVSPC) is one of the fastest growing areas of Industrial Quality Control.? This is occurring because advances in the methodology and in the accompanying computer software have greatly simplified the application of MVSPC in industrial applications.? Most current industrial SPC applications involve the separate charting of a series of variables that are usually related to the quality of the final product.? If the program has been in operation for any length of time, the number of charts that are being monitored can become over whelming to operators and production engineers.? In contrast, MVSPC procedures allow production personnel to simultaneously observe several variables on one consolidated chart.? One of the most popular statistics for monitoring a multivariate process is Hotelling?s T2.? It allows for the informative interpretation of a process signal and can be used under a wide variety of different process conditions that make univariate SPC impracticable and obsolete.
This course focuses on using examples from real world industrial applications to demonstrate the versatility of the T2 as a control statistic for multivariate processes.? The main purpose of the course is to introduce the participant to the capabilities of a multivariate control procedure and to the development of a multivariate control procedure for their production unit or manufacturing process.? Specifically, the construction of a clean historical data set will be illustrated.? The T2 charting statistic will be computed and its importance discussed.? The decomposition of a T2 signal and its interpretation will also be discussed in detail through numerous class examples.? After completing the course, the participant will be familiar with the benefits of applying the T2 control procedure to any multivariate process.
The course will be held in Houston at the Marriott Hotel in the Bush Intercontinental Airport on June 23-24, 2010. The cost of the course is $895. This includes all course material and lunch.?Discounts are available for companies sending more than one student. This does not include lodging, so you’ll need to make lodging arrangements separately.
For registration details, see the attached document:?2010 MVSPC Training Flyer. The hours of the course will be 8 AM to 4:30 PM on both Wednesday and Thursday. Conference room assignment will be posted in the Marriott lobby.